Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fluffy Pancakes

I was browsing my Better Homes & Garden's New Cook Book circa 1971 this morning, looking for some inspiration. Pancakes sounded yummy, but I am out of my premix and worried that it would be a pain to make them from scratch... Much to my surprise, it was a piece of cake and tasted like one too! After making these, I am never going back to premixed again. Seriously, they were that good!!!


1-1/4 cup flour
3 Tbsp baking powder
1 Tbsp Sugar
1 tsp ground flax meal (optional)
1/2 tsp salt
1 beaten egg
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla

While you are heating up your griddle, sift together dry ingredients (I combined 1/4 cup whole wheat flour along with 1 cup white flour to make them a little healthier). Combine egg, milk, oil and vanilla; add to dry ingredients whisk together just until moistened. Bake on a hot, well oiled or buttered griddle or pan. Serve warm with butter melted on top and your favorite topping.

- the less you stir the fluffier they will turn out to be
- heat your pan or griddle on medium, to make sure it's the right temp - splash with water, when the water dances on the pan it is ready
- pancakes are usually ready to turn when the upside turns bubbly and some have burst, this recipe seemed to be so fluffy that I turned just before any of the bubbles burst